Thursday, February 28, 2008

What a beautiful day today was, it was cold but the sun was shinning all day long so that great. With all the snow & the sun it looked like a painting outside. I love days like this as you can see all the wonders of Gods creations, it really makes me feel at peace inside . The days are getting closer to when spring will be here & the ground with come alive with new life as everything begins to grow again.

I look forward to being able to plant my vegetable garden & plant all my flowers around the house. I love spending the day outside working in the garden, this year I'll plant: tomatoes, corn, squash, pumpkins, & I planted garlic this fall so hopefully that will come up to.

For my flower garden I have 3 rose bushes( yellow, pink, & red),in the front I plant all wild flowers, I have a bleeding heart plant on the side of the house, & this year I will plant carnations. I have a little well that I plant flowers in the bucket. They are building a deck off my side door so I'll put flower boxes on the deck & fill them with annuals.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful day today.

1 comment:

MARGE said...

I am also thinking about my garden:) I am tired of snow and it is helping me think warm. I want to grow herbs and flowers.