Monday, February 18, 2008

Having True Friendships is great.

Having true friendships is the greatest thing in the world. People come & go in our lives but true friends are there forever. I have met different people on the web who seem like they are a friend until the truth comes out about games they are playing with my emotions.I love people & talking to them, it really hurts me when you find out that someone you have trusted in is not who they say they are.
To me a true friend is : Honest, Trust Worthy, A Good Listener, Will tell you what they REALLY think, & Always know that you are there for them.
Everyone here is so special & they are honest when they talk to each other. Thank you my new friends for showing that friendships aren't dead on the web.

1 comment:

Sandra Larson @smilingsandra (smilingriderfan) said...

You know, Mamma, some of my internet friends are way better friends than the one's I have in my life every day. I think its because it is so much easier to really open up and be yourself when you know they can't see you.

You inspire me to be a better friend =)